NeXT Hardware ROMs

Author: NeXT, Inc.
Publisher: NeXT
Type: Misc
Category: For Emulators
Shared by: skyethesudoer
On: 2023-01-16 16:30:07
Updated by: skyethesudoer
On: 2023-01-17 00:36:16
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

  • System test 
  • ROM Monitor 

What is NeXT Hardware ROMs?

This is a set of the ROMs used in NeXT Inc.'s line of hardware it includes ROMs for: The NeXT Computer (The Original 68030 model), The NeXTcube, The NeXTcube Turbo, The NeXTstation (color and monochrome), the NeXTstation Turbo (color and monochrome), the NeXTdimension (a board the adds color to the NeXT Computer and Cube), the Floppy Drive and the CD-ROM Drive. The ROMs have all been tested in Previous (an emulator for NeXT hardware) except for the Floppy and CD-ROM ones since it doesn't require those.

Thanks to @that-ben for sending these ROMs my way!

Download NeXT Hardware ROMs

(39.56 KiB / 40.51 KB)
NeXT Computer 68030 ROM / Zipped
128 / 2023-01-16 / 651b27a93aac3d376e6bf9ffea9541fe0f36f0c7 / /
(54.18 KiB / 55.48 KB)
NeXTcube/NeXTstation 68040 ROM / Zipped
109 / 2023-01-16 / 4c23214cee3cce01a932278a647baefb770e13aa / /
(60.06 KiB / 61.5 KB)
NeXTcube/NeXTstation Turbo ROM / Zipped
130 / 2023-01-16 / a7ff08f280b29c95a57281d6fe4fa5cb014a7cf4 / /
(5.75 KiB / 5.88 KB)
NeXTdimension ROM / Zipped
26 / 2023-01-16 / 358f7fbe72982dcaa3b3e3c51cf46a3da270381d / /
(10.83 KiB / 11.1 KB)
CD-ROM Drive ROM / Zipped
23 / 2023-01-16 / 98e7e1ae79569224ee2a765d4553e6cd8ad14233 / /
(12.11 KiB / 12.4 KB)
Floppy Disk ROM / Zipped
11 / 2023-01-16 / f87423d536df8531d8b23baf4a2cf615aad2c657 / /
(190.4 KiB / 194.97 KB)
All ROMs. Download this for a complete set! / Zipped
417 / 2023-01-16 / db82fe0f0eb1baa50abf7d967889d7127d5ab185 / /


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