Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Publisher: Aspyr
Type: Games
Category: Isometric , Strategy
Shared by: MR
On: 2015-03-22 02:47:20
Updated by: MR
On: 2024-11-17 14:03:03
Other contributors: Amid , InkBlot , DylanCO
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (5 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri?

Space-race victories in the Civilization series conclude with a journey to Alpha Centauri. Beginning with that premise the Alpha Centauri narrative starts in the 22nd century, after the United Nations sends "Unity", a colonization mission, to Alpha Centauri's planet Chiron ("Planet"). Unbeknownst to humans, advanced extraterrestrials ("Progenitors") had been conducting experiments in vast distributed nervous systems, culminating in planetary biosphere-sized presentient nervous system ("Manifold") on Chiron, leaving behind monoliths and artifacts on Planet to guide and examine the system's growth. Immediately prior to the start of the game, a reactor malfunction on the Unity spacecraft wakes the crew and colonists early and irreparably severs communications with Earth. After the captain is assassinated, the most powerful leaders on board build ideological factions with dedicated followers, conflicting agendas for the future of mankind, and "desperately serious" commitments. As the ship breaks up, seven escape pods, each containing a faction, are scattered across Planet.

Download Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for Mac

(513.29 MiB / 538.22 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
572 / 2015-03-22 / 2023-05-09 / 3c95f49c5570ca2314f4a57f6a19c4bd344d0f8c / /
(1.43 MiB / 1.5 MB)
Update to version 1.5 / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
217 / 2015-03-22 / 2023-05-09 / 8456ff36dbaa76905e9b60fceec729ad2dc78340 / /
(2.06 MiB / 2.16 MB)
Update to version 1.5.2 / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
110 / 2015-03-22 / 2023-05-09 / c49a4ce2be71905119bfe2d73e71a14519060847 / /
(3.12 MiB / 3.27 MB)
Carbon Patch b3 / compressed w/ Stuffit
70 / 2015-03-22 / 2023-05-09 / 9c146024c9c8ddb63280bbc9a97e9606767efdaa / /
(1.51 MiB / 1.59 MB)
Carbon Patch b3 no cd cracked executable (hexedited at 0x1e210: 82 00 0c 38 60 00 00 48 -> 82 00 0c 38 60 00 01 48; works for both OS9 and OSX)
68 / 2021-12-15 / 2023-05-09 / f64853ab326b237b545db81260ede08f45e384fe / /
(12.08 MiB / 12.67 MB)
New scenarios / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
20 / 2021-12-15 / 2023-05-09 / 96e92cbc5c6b4144f1808603d7fa122e3a0074df / /
(17.42 MiB / 18.27 MB)
DEMO / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
15 / 2023-05-09 / b55b2e6dfa6f5b4063daeadfde92dd5833d226bf / /
(1.21 MiB / 1.27 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
1 / 2024-11-17 / 5cc496b4dad24e289634b2cb4f13abca50faf0aa / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.5

Compatibility notes

Minimum Requirements

  • PPC603e @ 150 MHz
  • 16 MB RAM
  • Hard disk drive
  • 800 x 600, 8-bit color display
  • 4X CD-ROM drive
  • System 7.5.3
  • QuickTime 4.0 (included)

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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