
Author: Stefan Kurth
Type: System
Category: Extension
Shared by: MR
On: 2023-01-07 17:22:08
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-08-18 10:50:07
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What is DividerLines?

DividerLines is a small system extension that lets you have gray divider lines in your apple menu. You probably know that you can change the order of your apple menu items by putting certain characters in front of their name, for example '•' or '∆' or '◊' (some of my favorites). Use your KeyCaps DA to find out other interesting ones. That way, you can group the items together, for example all folders at the top, then all aliases to applications, then all utilities. Wouldn't it be great to have gray lines between these groups?

DividerLines does this for you. It simply turns any item that has a '$' at the end of its name into a gray line. You can use (empty) folders for this purpose, but I recommend to use dummy documents (e.g. empty TeachText documents), because folders will be opened in the finder when you select the gray line, which is not what you would expect a disabled divider line to behave. (This seems to be a problem with NowMenus, as it doesn't happen if NowMenus is not installed.) If you use documents, there is no problem.

You won't get more than five gray lines. If you try to have more, the remaining ones will just show up with their real names. If you really need more than five lines, I can tell you how to patch the INIT with ResEdit.

If you care: you temporarily get the real names by holding down shift while pulling down the menu. I can't imagine why this would be useful - I needed it for debugging, and I simply left it in afterwards.

Kurth, Stefan. (1995). Read this, please! Electronic Document.

Download DividerLines for Mac

(18.37 KiB / 18.81 KB)
/ DiskCopy image, BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
4 / 2023-01-07 / c269daf70690019ab68c3765b3816d1e1527d381 / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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