Blade, a guardian of Earth, has awakened from hibernation to find a strange, alien landscape filled with alien forces. You must travel through the changed world to find and stop the malevolent force that has invaded.
Blade is a screen-by-screen platform game, where the player controls the eponymous futuristic humanoid guardian. The player must collect teleportation pods to activate a teleporter that leads to the next screen, or "act." The game contains 15 acts divided into 5 levels, including forests, caves, Blade's old base, and other strange landscapes. A variety of enemies and other obstacles will hamper the player's progress. Every third acts will contain a boss that needs to be defeated in order to continue. "Stasis Pods" hold power ups that can increase health, attack power, or apply other effects. The player uses a blade to attack while walking, crawling, or jumping. Attacking while jumping allows the player to flip and slightly increase their jump height. When at full health the player unleashes a more powerful attack.
The game uses a very distinctive visual, illustrative style for its levels and character design, each screen showing a unique background and a wide variety of enemies to encounter.
- (MobyGames)