SweetJAM 7.0

Author: A&A Co. Ltd.
Type: System
Category: Fonts , Translator , Utilities
Shared by: MR
On: 2023-01-07 16:58:12
Updated by: MR
On: 2023-12-23 09:39:35
Other contributors: Amid , InkBlot
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is SweetJAM 7.0?

SweetJAM is an unobtrusive Japanese language system for Mac computers, running on an English Mac OS.

Originally released in 1985 as "Mac Nihongo OS" for the Macintosh 128k, it preceded Apple's KanjiTalk by a whole year. Once KanjiTalk was introduced for the Macintosh, Mac Nihongo OS was renamed JAM (Japanese Attachment for Macintosh), and in 1987 renamed as SweetJAM. –SweetJAM was the development codename for a new version of JAM (v4.5.7?), the name stuck and became the official brand name. SweetJAM remained a popular alternative for some years after KanjiTalk's release, especially for it's low price, light footprint, the ability to run in MultiFinder, and display Japanese characters in software that didn't support KanjiTalk. Eventually however, KanjiTalk improved and SweetJAM was released as a freeware.

Download SweetJAM 7.0 for Mac

(6.25 MiB / 6.56 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
12 / 2023-01-07 / 2023-07-04 / bfc5783eb375ede5631573c5b9cf7ef11a8e2636 / /
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/ Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
6 / 2023-01-07 / 2023-07-04 / 5add911f1dbf4118c1df788f50a4bc80586c8e78 / /
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/ Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
1 / 2023-07-04 / 296d2dfc83eede8505386298a8946667cee24129 / /
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Manual / Zipped
2 / 2023-07-04 / 3ae04ccfa60c57d5850cf10f3a51b656ee6fbc32 / /


Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 6.0 up to Mac OS 7.6

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac

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