Paragon HFS+ for Windows v9.0

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Type: Misc
Category: For Windows , Utilities
Shared by: MR
On: 2023-01-07 16:57:00
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-02-16 05:07:36
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Paragon HFS+ for Windows v9.0?

HFS+ for Windows version 9.0
Full access to Mac HFS+ File System from Windows

Experience total communication between Mac & Windows with the industry’s highest performing file system technology

Paragon HFS+ for Windows is the only solution that provides full read-write access to HFS+/HFSX partitions on any type of disks (GPT, MBR) under most of Windows versions!
Access Mac-formatted partitions in Windows systems with the fastest and most stable HFS driver on the market.

Benefits of HFS+ for Windows 9.0

   It has a lower cost than most comparable software in the channel
   It features built-in support for GPT disks.
   It gives a higher level of performance (up to 50% on small files). According to performance tests,
   Paragon HFS+ for Windows performs up to 7 times faster than its competitors.

 - (Paragon Software)

Serial Code:  ??? 

Download Paragon HFS+ for Windows v9.0

(3.79 MiB / 3.98 MB)
/ Zipped
39 / 2023-01-07 / 2023-06-09 / 39434ed2aaf5e0a192ac14cd8bed941a0e20691a / /
(668.59 KiB / 684.63 KB)
5 / 2024-02-16 / 9df0c83cdfe4e6c658ea91a4b6e1c31073f1a659 / /


Intel x86-64

Compatibility notes

  • Supported Operating Systems:
    • Windows 7 (32/64 Bit)
    • Windows Vista (32/64 Bit)
    • Windows XP (32/64 Bit)
    • Windows 2003 server (32/64 Bit)
    • Windows 2008 server (32/64 Bit)
  • Supported File Systems:
    • HFS Plus
    • HFSX
  • Supported Hard Drives and Removable Media:
    • Parallel ATA (IDE) HDD
    • Serial ATA (SATA) HDD
    • SCSI HDD
    • USB 1.x/2.0 and IEEE 1394 (FireWire) devices
    • USB 3.0 devices
    • MBR and GPT hard drives
  • System Requirements:
    • RAM: 128 MB of RAM required (256 MB or greater recommended)
    • CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible, 233 MHz or higher processor
    • Disk space: 10 MB for the program installation

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