A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C

Shared by: Flk157
On: 2023-01-06 16:24:31
Updated by: Flk157
On: 2023-01-19 13:54:35
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What is A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C?

A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C

K. J. Bricknell

This is not SW but a full manual to programming on Mac OS.

These documents describe the Mac OS from the programming point of view and all aspects of the system calls (the Macintosh Toolbox). It is a complete manual to programming on the Macintosh.
1) first the documentation of the Toolbox routines grouped in chapter for each aspect.
2) with each chapter of 1), a full demonstration program (as CodeWarrior project) is provided with all explanations.

Version 1.2 from 1997, version 2 from 1998 and the last version for the Carbon Application Programming Interface to write applications able to run on Classic OS9 and OSX. This last one must date from 2002.

To get a quick oversight the preface of each one is available separately.

Download A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C

(31.49 KiB / 32.24 KB)
Preface to version 1.2
21 / 2023-01-06 / bd65f971d37371eafe56d9f86eb8fe8b5e126585 / /
(2.58 MiB / 2.71 MB)
Version 1.2 of the guide / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
13 / 2023-01-06 / bcbb9c59a86d7b5c5fdf17c171c0ae3fe19371a2 / /
(2.75 MiB / 2.89 MB)
Demo programs of version 1.2 / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
6 / 2023-01-06 / a1a735fbdbd86d7ac4ac90b70afa6f029d96701d / /
(32.71 KiB / 33.5 KB)
Preface to version 2
9 / 2023-01-06 / 0473a29ad7c4e29ec7b0cd488e29e2a80911d5e1 / /
(6.91 MiB / 7.25 MB)
Version 2 of the guide / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
15 / 2023-01-06 / f8cc5823ba92384e2bf4e5b13e3f9a56e54a24d6 / /
(3.35 MiB / 3.51 MB)
Demo programs of version 2 / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
12 / 2023-01-06 / bdb388e0188cbd2bcf7ff4c9d59ee43aeee46deb / /
(121.3 KiB / 124.21 KB)
Preface to the carbon version
7 / 2023-01-06 / 56335184689a4e93b4118aa52d0b025ce420809b / /
(6.51 MiB / 6.82 MB)
Carbon version of the guide / compressed w/ Stuffit
12 / 2023-01-06 / aff23888b3683eab1d63ab08571646b673d5fc55 / /
(3.87 MiB / 4.05 MB)
Demo programs of the carbon version / compressed w/ Stuffit
5 / 2023-01-06 / 152ad8a1e5d2be0ec3d71fb002d60fe9b9a5ddd8 / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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