The Macintosh Bible Guide to Games
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On: 2014-09-01 14:01:28
On: 2024-08-05 13:05:12
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You will enjoy this book for a number of reasons. To begin with, Chris and Bart have played more Macintosh games than is considered healthy for any two individuals who hope to sustain a functioning social life. If you seek guidance on which current commercial and shareware Mac games are worth your time, you couldn’t find two more qualified game experts to help you along (well, okay, you will be able to find two others, but not for another 83 years, and you don’t have time to wait). Secondly, the bundled CD-ROM is brimming with demos, patches, cheaters, and shareware games. Even if you never crack the book’s cover, you’ve neatly procured hundreds of dollars’ worth of software (but pay your shareware fees; I’ll know if you don’t). Thirdly, the intelligentsia of the Macintosh game business have consented to be interviewed for this book—if you want the real poop on Mac games, read what these folks have to say. And finally, the book’s a heck of a good read. Some of the stuff in here still cracks me up.
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Motorola 68K
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Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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