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On: 2022-12-18 13:23:08
On: 2023-06-24 18:01:26
(There's no video for Blot yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Prepare to have a blast with Blot as he takes a thrilling ride across the page!
Help Blot duck and weave his way across the page avoiding all the pencils and thumbtacks that stand in his way. Ride a streak of paint, grab some coins, buy some awesome outfits and exciting tools to help you achieve a new distance record. Let the wind blow through Blot's ink and have some fun!
(27.72 MiB / 29.07 MB)
/ Zipped
9 / 2022-12-18 / 938dd05cbfd73441127aedf1d4c683e3aee53563 /
Intel x86-64
System Requirements
From Mac OS 10.7
Compatibility notes
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