68K floppy disk set as .mrb

Author: Apple
Type: System
Category: System Compilation
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2022-10-12 10:21:59
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2022-10-12 10:24:34
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is 68K floppy disk set as .mrb?

Those are simply 68K Mac OS install floppy disk sets for Macs inclusively made from 1986 to 1994:

  • System 6.0.8 as both 800KB and 1.4MB floppies
  • System 7.1 as both 800KB and 1.4MB floppies
  • System 7.5 as 1.4MB floppies
  • Mac OS 8.0 as 1.4MB floppies

For use with MR Browser


Download 68K floppy disk set as .mrb for Mac

(1.65 MiB / 1.73 MB)
System 6.0.8 - 800KB floppies / MRB archive
69 / 2022-10-12 / 2022-10-12 / 93842ec2c05e2e984097da9a565cf6a19867b988 / /
(1.4 MiB / 1.47 MB)
System 6.0.8 - 1.4MB floppies / MRB archive
16 / 2022-10-12 / 2022-10-12 / dab1e12f23ad33fa5598fac6bd8dbd6443f395ae / /
(3.81 MiB / 4 MB)
System 7.1 - 800KB floppies / MRB archive
19 / 2022-10-12 / 2022-10-12 / 6a57f4d7b1c2a25c3119690a9e534eb042fcae96 / /
(5.86 MiB / 6.15 MB)
System 7.1 - 1.4MB floppies / MRB archive
24 / 2022-10-12 / 2fb97f25cf520a6bb4d27eae94c838feeec67782 / /
(9.92 MiB / 10.4 MB)
System 7.5 - 1.4MB floppies / MRB archive
67 / 2022-10-12 / 0d89ef666d9fc32eed31218530e5a6b91141cfc8 / /
(26.75 MiB / 28.05 MB)
Mac OS 8.0 - 1.4MB floppies / MRB archive
137 / 2022-10-12 / f44da60d7fd15fff7b79acadbfc9160bf8f62bcd / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Requires a Mac inclusively made between 1986 and 1994

.mrb archives are for use from within MR Browser


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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