Halo: Combat Evolved

Author: Bungie
Publisher: MacSoft
Type: Games
Shared by: MR
On: 2015-03-16 20:24:36
Updated by: Oldi
On: 2024-05-29 06:09:04
Other contributors: Amid , that-ben , Winman486
Rating: 9.89 Clarus out of 10 (18 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

  • Gameplay 
  • Gameplay 2 

What is Halo: Combat Evolved?

"The most advanced, the best produced, the most amazing first-person shooter to have ever graced my Mac's screen."
  — Jean-Luc Dinsdale, Inside Mac Games



Download Halo: Combat Evolved for Mac

(619.64 MiB / 649.74 MB)
Halo CE, install CD for G4/G5 (OSX 10.2.8 - 10.4.11) / CDR image, compressed w/ Stuffit
3150 / 2015-03-16 / 2023-02-04 / c839b70c3d6f38e717d8ba5054b1f9d83c54498e / /
(3.58 MiB / 3.76 MB)
Halo CE, v1.5.2 updater for G4/G5 (OSX 10.2.8 - 10.4.11)
574 / 2016-08-15 / 2023-02-04 / 848d52da591c9505a40715d6433e6bf1c82936fb / /
(647.06 MiB / 678.49 MB)
Halo CE, UNIVERSAL BINARY x86 install CD for Intel (OSX 10.5 - 10.14) / Zipped
1691 / 2016-08-15 / 2023-02-04 / ea4849186f2cc8c7fc765ea3bab9062399565cc6 / /
(4.08 MiB / 4.27 MB)
Halo CE, v2.0.3 UNIVERSAL BINARY x86 updater for Intel (OSX 10.5 - 10.14) / Zipped
468 / 2016-08-15 / 2023-02-04 / 4a875d7b8e8e11c8fe581b237cadc1be2cf1d056 / /
(4.08 MiB / 4.27 MB)
Halo CE, v2.0.4 UNIVERSAL BINARY x86 updater for Intel (OSX 10.5 - 10.14) / Zipped
839 / 2016-08-15 / 2023-02-04 / b4d2001d5976dd65b8385fc17837062476ed0013 / /
(27.4 KiB / 28.06 KB)
/ Zipped
189 / 2020-11-20 / 0dfe25e1e1c9795202ed64479cf4e5e8ebc9ecb9 / /
(680.29 MiB / 713.33 MB)
Halo CE, install CD for G4/G5 (OSX 10.2.8 - 10.4.11) (JAPANESE) / Toast image
28 / 2022-12-18 / 2023-05-11 / c7fd9b2a66dc3ba9be79141e62f8e26bf239a8c6 / /
(3.42 MiB / 3.58 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
13 / 2023-12-08 / 008bf6c03122c08ab02def1a57213232f5de33ba / /
(1.49 MiB / 1.56 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
15 / 2023-12-08 / a16ba8358ac4cb5d0d7e9c2160a78d31c4f7135b / /
(2.44 MiB / 2.56 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
16 / 2023-12-08 / 4e7886854f950f40d8f58798e07cf09bd6c764aa / /
(665.76 MiB / 698.1 MB)
/ Zipped
16 / 2023-12-08 / 46db019cde2f68efa1d02b317cbc971ad3a30cf8 / /


OSX Universal Binary

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.2 up to Mac OS 10.14

Compatibility notes

  • G4 800mhz or faster (+ separate Universal Binary installer for Intel x86)
  • At least 256MB of RAM
  • Mac OS 10.2.8 - Mac OS X 10.5 (Universal Binary should be compatible up to OSX 10.14)
  • 32 MB Video Card (GeForce 2MX/ATI 7500 or better)
  • 1.4GB of free hard disk space (1.5 GB for UB version)

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