On: 2022-07-24 18:33:03
On: 2022-08-07 13:37:57
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Xounds is a haxie from Unsanity. Xounds allows users to add system sounds from a preference pane.
Xounds 2.1:
Name: Marcelo Leite
Password: imaccelo@mac.com
Code: pecking
Name: Alex Krycek
Password: smileycankor@yahoo.com
Code: yelling
Xounds 2.3.1:
Name: Steve Tang
Password: stekhh@spymac.com
Code: !lizzard
Xounds 2.5: HELP!
(1.37 MiB / 1.44 MB)
Xounds v2.1 for OSX 10.2 or later / DMG image
6 / 2022-07-24 / 2022-07-24 / 423e42ed45b2edfa89033b844b42c8d2acf772b9 /
(1.55 MiB / 1.62 MB)
Xounds v2.3.1 for OSX 10.2.8 or later / DMG image
13 / 2022-07-24 / 2022-07-24 / b5c90cb1dcb9e182f9e9ab54ffe1421dfa334f57 /
(3.67 MiB / 3.85 MB)
Xounds v2.5 for OSX 10.4 or later / DMG image
12 / 2022-07-24 / 2022-07-24 / ce4065d71f0c83db9990208ed4c95404270239d4 /
System Requirements
From Mac OS 10.3
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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