QuickTime 6.3.1
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What is QuickTime 6.3.1? Welcome to QuickTime 6.3.1 QuickTime is Apple's award-winning, industry-leading software architecture for creating, playing and streaming digital media for Mac OS and Windows. New in QuickTime 6.3.1 • Enhanced support for iTunes and other QuickTime-based applications. For more information about QuickTime, please visit the QuickTime web site at <www.apple.com/quicktime>. The QuickTime web site also provides many links to cool QuickTime content and to other Internet sites that showcase QuickTime. Download QuickTime 6.3.1 for Mac
From Mac OS 10.1 up to Mac OS 10.5 Macintosh System Requirements: QuickTime 6.3.1 requires at least a PowerPC G3 400 MHz CPU running Mac OS X version 10.1.5 or higher. In addition, the computer must have at least 128 MB of RAM. Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU |