IPNetRouterX 1.6c2 (for PPC & Intel)

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On: 2022-01-17 12:19:10
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What is IPNetRouterX 1.6c2 (for PPC & Intel)?

IPNetRouterX is a powerful router, firewall, and network management utility including NAPT with inbound port mapping, a built-in DHCP Server, AirPort configuration tool, bandwidth accounting, and rate limiting.

Using IPNetRouterX you can share a network connection among multiple users, provide DHCP service, configure an AirPort software base station, allocate network bandwidth to match business priorities, audit network usage, and secure your LAN against undesirable traffic or network abuse.

IPNetRouterX includes the complete IP filtering engine from IPNetSentryX, extending its unprecedented flexibility to the entire LAN.


Download IPNetRouterX 1.6c2 (for PPC & Intel) for Mac

(3.43 MiB / 3.6 MB)
IPNetRouterX v1.6c2 / DMG image
30 / 2022-01-17 / bbb86a52ff2f301ccb00373ef73ec7b22e444d27 / /


OSX Universal Binary

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.4 up to Mac OS 10.7

Compatibility notes

Architecture: PPC + Intel (Universal Binary)

Mac OS X 10.4 - Mac OS X 10.7 (might work on newer OSX, untested)


Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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