stack-attack (test version 2)

Type: Games
Category: Action , Arcade , Beta
Shared by: MR
On: 2021-12-17 16:59:48
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-06-20 18:55:58
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is stack-attack (test version 2)?

The game was developed by The Caffeine Kid, who posted about the release for Windows on the YakYak forum on the 2nd of October, 2005, remarking that "I've never been on acid to be honest but [playing] this [game] is what I think it would be like to have a bad trip" and likening the game to "some sort of mental illness simulator"; the author posted about the release for Mac a few days later, on the 6th of October, 2005.

Although the author was told that the mechanics of the game are identical- or similar- to other games predating it, they denied that they had copied- or based the game on- any other game, remarking that "there is nothing new under the sun".

The author stated that the game was developed using BlitzMax; interestingly, the author didn't have a Mac — the game was developed using Windows, and the Mac build of the game was built using the PearPC emulator — and wasn't able to play the Mac build of the game, remarking that "the emulated machine completely locks up when I try to [play the game]".

In spite of this being "test version 2", to the best of this uploader's knowledge, "test version 1" was released only for Windows; and in spite of the author stating that they wanted to add features to- and polish- the game, to the best of this uploader's knowledge, no further versions of the game were released — the author seemed uncertain what direction to take the game in, and stated that they lacked the time to work on the game, having learnt that they had to return to working on another, commercial, game "for a little while" to "tweak it up for release".

Download stack-attack (test version 2) for Mac

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Compatibility notes

  1. the game sometimes fails to register the player's clicks;
  2. and it's possible for the player to remove a group of blocks from a column on the same frame that that column rises out of the playfield and causes gameover, resulting in a minor visual oddity.

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