Alias Underground

Publisher: ABC Media
Type: Games
Shared by: MR
On: 2021-12-17 10:33:33
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-08-26 15:59:52
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What is Alias Underground?

ABC Television released this promotional episodic videogame to hype the TV show starring Jennifer Garner as an undercover CIA spy named Sydney Bristow. The training mission plus 9 more episodes were available for download on ABC's website initially prior to and during the second season of the show. It is a 3D third-person stealth/action game and episodes came out on a monthly basis between September 2002 and June 2003.

From both 3rd or 1st-person perspective, Sydney can run, jump, duck, climb, and interact with objects. When encountering a bad guy, she can punch, kick, or shoot if she gets hold of a gun which will allow you to zoom in when in first-person mode. Sydney must use various disguises and act covertly, so as not to blow her cover, while infiltrating various areas.

 - (MobyGames)

Release Date: September 5, 2002
Before you become a field agent, you?ve got to master the moves. Hey, even Sydney Bristow needs to practice. »

Release Date: September 5, 2002
Your first mission! All you have to do is steal a document from the Turkish Ambassador … and make your way out of the embassy alive. »

Release Date: October 1, 2002
SD-6 headquarters is set to blow -- help Sydney "defuse" the crisis and rescue the hostages. »

Release Date: November 12, 2002
Sydney needs your help to destroy a Rambaldi device known as "The Circumference" and escape from a Taipei lab alive. »

Release Date: December 9, 2002
Agent Vaughn must infiltrate the Turkish embassy and replace a document with a fake. Can he do it before Sydney arrives — and without setting off the alarm? »

Release Date: January 20, 2003
Sydney and Vaughn team up to steal crucial intel from the SD-6 facility. Will Vaughn get caught? Will Sydney blow her cover? It's all up to you … »

Release Date: February 24, 2003
Sydney finally gets her chance to take down SD-6 and the Alliance. Can she deliver the intel and survive?»

Release Date: April 7, 2003
Sloane has assembled a Rambaldi microwave weapon and holds Vaughn and Caplan captive. Can Sydney recover the device and rescue them?»

Release Date: May 5, 2003
To prevent a doomsday prophecy, Sydney must acquire the Rambaldi Heart on a heavily guarded ship docked in Cartagena. Can she do it before the NSA is forced to destroy the ship and the Heart?"»

Release Date: June 5, 2003
Sydney's mission is to break into Sloane's heavily guarded house and find the final Rambaldi artifact. Can she do it? And what will happen if she succeeds?»

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Download Alias Underground for Mac

(80.93 MiB / 84.86 MB)
Alias Underground v1.09.01 (All episodes)
20 / 2021-12-17 / 2024-08-26 / 69196b0889aa6eace3aac2ab55f3f20cae187476 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.2 up to Mac OS 10.5

Compatibility notes

Mac OS X version 10.2 or higher
eMac, iMac 500Mhz, Power Mac G3 (blue & white), G4, G4 Cube, iBook 600Mhz (version 2 of the 600Mhz model), PowerBook G4 550Mhz, or better
128MB of Memory
16MB 3D graphics card or better
100MB of hard disk space

Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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