La Máquina de Hacer Tareas II

Author: Unlimited
Type: Games
Shared by: MR
On: 2021-12-16 11:12:25
Updated by: OxYGeN
On: 2023-06-25 11:57:03
Other contributors: that-ben , Amid
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

(There's no video for La Máquina de Hacer Tareas II yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)


What is La Máquina de Hacer Tareas II?

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas  (The Homework Machine) was an educational package from Chile aimed at children. In this way they could learn about all kinds of things such as machines, bodies, nature and history in a playful way.



Note: Sourced from ARCHIVE.ORG.  Anyone is free to craw/grab/share this piece of software, even the fine folks at CancelGarden are welcome to take our files as they don't have them all! ;-)

Download La Máquina de Hacer Tareas II for Mac

(356.89 MiB / 374.22 MB)
Hybrid Mac/PC / ISO image, zipped
3 / 2023-06-24 / b1704dc5e5f06639a2bb34291f7bcf3826f31fc4 / /
(466.2 MiB / 488.84 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 1 - Historia / History / ISO image, zipped
3 / 2023-06-25 / 08fdba4382425ff7b41e115917784308c14aff20 / /
(320.66 MiB / 336.24 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 2 - Quimicia / Chemistry / ISO image, zipped
2 / 2023-06-25 / 3db9eae543315047d2d2d8ef1d901141aa0c911c / /
(318.54 MiB / 334.01 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 3 - Personajes de Chile / Personages from Chile / ISO image, zipped
1 / 2023-06-25 / 69574abda875e2938a8ee21e9ab23a2c8674ba41 / /
(523.69 MiB / 549.13 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 4 - Recursos Naturales / Natural Resources / ISO image, zipped
2 / 2023-06-25 / 8352cdaee918c1cb61b1b8cae96a27df00b2fe61 / /
(222.09 MiB / 232.88 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 5 - Historia Universal II / Universal History II / ISO image, zipped
2 / 2023-06-25 / 831bed81257c9574bf7907d909dbf986a4f3c5e6 / /
(293.41 MiB / 307.66 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 6 - Ecologia / Ecology / ISO image, zipped
1 / 2023-06-25 / e864a67e4152f35ad76cc1928f17391728ad54e3 / /
(450.48 MiB / 472.36 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 7 - Fisica / Physics / ISO image, zipped
1 / 2023-06-25 / 2023-06-25 / 9ac8faeefcaa1efbecdc3c6818e231adb6eaae06 / /
(321.84 MiB / 337.47 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 8 - Tecnologia e Inventos / Technology and Inventions / ISO image, zipped
1 / 2023-06-25 / 2023-06-25 / fffb90e38308baea2d8b34fe32665312f1a52293 / /
(353.01 MiB / 370.16 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 9 - Historia Universal III / Universal History III / ISO image, zipped
1 / 2023-06-25 / 2023-06-25 / 47a9729267b7f9c9bc4d3e9f47ccb59dc744ed02 / /
(373.05 MiB / 391.17 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 10 - Arte / Arts / ISO image, zipped
2 / 2023-06-25 / dbc1abddc52ae7e865ee6944f660e06fb78ea937 / /
(500.94 MiB / 525.27 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 11 - Biologia / biology / ISO image, zipped
2 / 2023-06-25 / a7801d98004a243e4627503c8771194ce727a601 / /
(296.92 MiB / 311.35 MB)
La Maquina de Hacer Tareas II - Disk 12 - Energia / Energy / ISO image, zipped
1 / 2023-06-25 / cd8b3aad3800694590a7324b95d167afed2c76ad / /



Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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