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On: 2021-12-09 20:20:09
On: 2024-09-22 20:53:22
(There's no video for ErrorFree yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
It's a clone of the Light's Out game where the goal is to turn off all the lights but anywhere you click also inverts the surrounding lights in a cross pattern. In this case you have error message icons that you want to clear away. Killing one can breed more. Be Error Free :)
- (EkriirkE)
(818.5 KiB / 838.14 KB)
Bootable 800K disk image / DiskCopy image
4 / 2021-12-09 / 2024-09-22 / 5618995799dbb0922655a08330b42d86c6ac12fe /
Motorola 68K
From Mac OS 6.0
up to Mac OS 7.6
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac
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