Antares Infinity
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MR ![](
On: 2021-12-08 16:28:42
On: 2023-04-17 21:51:46
(There's no video for Antares Infinity yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
A sample editing and looping application for sound designers.
(430.84 KiB / 441.18 KB)
68k / compressed w/ Stuffit
![Downloaded 40 times]( 40 / ![Added on 2021-12-08]( 2021-12-08 / ![Updated on 2023-04-17]( 2023-04-17 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 3510cf3a6f677b59fe264bc6c826f494a58bea88 / ![Anchor to this file download](
(549.38 KiB / 562.57 KB)
PPC / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
![Downloaded 27 times]( 27 / ![Added on 2021-12-08]( 2021-12-08 / ![Updated on 2023-04-17]( 2023-04-17 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 4b48c96ad251dabcd48a0d6ccc46b286b30c9d6f / ![Anchor to this file download](
(2.95 MiB / 3.1 MB)
PPC / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
![Downloaded 19 times]( 19 / ![Added on 2021-12-08]( 2021-12-08 / ![Updated on 2023-04-17]( 2023-04-17 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 079d1b44c0512b48c09d53813fa7cfb401b203b5 / ![Anchor to this file download](
(4.86 MiB / 5.09 MB)
PPC / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
![Downloaded 52 times]( 52 / ![Added on 2021-12-08]( 2021-12-08 / ![Updated on 2023-04-17]( 2023-04-17 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 6197d3f51e30fa68291d2a8ff111700077fed21c / ![Anchor to this file download](
(1.79 MiB / 1.87 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
![Downloaded 24 times]( 24 / ![Added on 2021-12-08]( 2021-12-08 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 72e2228c62f5a4f3477026c93fab629a7996e242 / ![Anchor to this file download](
(284.11 KiB / 290.93 KB)
68k / compressed w/ Stuffit
![Downloaded 22 times]( 22 / ![Added on 2021-12-08]( 2021-12-08 / ![Updated on 2023-04-17]( 2023-04-17 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 53e63bb40cfe464ecc7035b337c7979e2b41962a / ![Anchor to this file download](
(1.1 MiB / 1.15 MB)
68k / compressed w/ Stuffit
![Downloaded 10 times]( 10 / ![Added on 2023-01-07]( 2023-01-07 / ![Updated on 2023-04-17]( 2023-04-17 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( dcdbc2a44c044604af8e80473c943b1a84010445 / ![Anchor to this file download](
Architecture ![Anchor to architecture](
![]( 68K + PPC (FAT)
Compatibility notes ![Anchor to compatibility notes](
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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