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Year: 2000
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What is Genesys? Genesys is an educational game where you explore the technological advancement of mankind from the stone age to today.
Download Genesys for Mac
(475.62 MiB / 498.72 MB)
Genesys CD 1 disk image / Zipped
(365.13 MiB / 382.86 MB)
Genesys CD 2 disk image / Zipped
(389.88 MiB / 408.82 MB)
Genesys CD 1 disk image (GERMAN) / Zipped
(370.15 MiB / 388.13 MB)
Genesys CD 2 disk image (GERMAN) / Zipped
Architecture: PPC System 7 - Mac OS 9.2.2 At least 16MB of free RAM The downloads are hybrid CD images, so they work on Windows too.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |