EM-300 driver

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On: 2021-12-05 11:08:23
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-07-18 12:39:54
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What is EM-300 driver?

The EM-300 is a LAN card that can be used with some Macintosh computers. It conforms to the IEEE 802.3 standard and has a transmission speed of 10Mbps on a network.

The EM-300 is equipped with an RJ-45 port for connecting a 10BASE-T twisted pair cable, and a BNC connector for connecting a 10BASE-2 "Thin" cable.

The EM-300 is an Ethernet adapter compatible with the LC PDS (Processor Direct Slot). As such, it can be used with any Macintosh equipped with an LC PDS, such as the Macintosh LC, LC II, LC III, and some Performas.

You can use this Network Software Installer to install the following networking products:

• Update to AppleTalk version 58.1.2
• Network Control Panel version 3.0.2
• Update to EtherTalk version 2.5.6
• Update to Ethernet driver version 1.1.1 for the Apple Ethernet NB Card
• Update to Ethernet driver version 6.0.5 for the Apple EtherTalk NB Card
• Update to Ethernet driver version 1.1.1 for the Apple Ethernet NB Twisted-Pair Card
• Update to Ethernet driver version 1.1.1 for the Apple Ethernet LC Card
• Update to Ethernet driver version 1.1.1 for the Macintosh Quadra 700/900/950/800, Centris 610/650, built-in Ethernet port. Please note that the Quadra 610/650 are functionally the same as the Centris 610/650, so if you have a Quadra 610 or 650, select the Centris 610/650 in the install dialog.
• Ethernet driver version 1.0.1 for the Macintosh Quadra 840AV and Centris 660AV
• Added support for Ethernet driver version 1.1.1 for the Apple Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair Card
• Added support for Ethernet driver version 1.1.1 for the Apple Ethernet CS Twisted-Pair/Coaxial/AAUI Card
• Update to TokenTalk version 2.5.6
• Token Ring Control Panel version 1.0.1
• Token Ring driver version 2.5.2 for the TokenTalk NB and Token Ring 4/16 Cards

In addition, this Installer installs the following related products:

• A/ROSE 1.2.1

This installer works on either System 6.0.5 or later, or System 7 Macintosh computers.


On Macintosh computers with a 68040 microprocessor (Quadra, Centris, and Performa 470 series), some programs may quit unexpectedly or cause the computer to freeze when you attempt to open them over the network. This problem is fixed by using the Network Launch Fix available from AppleLink or the InterNet (ftp.apple.com).

Download EM-300 driver for Mac

(822.23 KiB / 841.96 KB)
Version ZM-1.4.3 / Zipped
2 / 2021-12-05 / 2023-07-18 / b79a8739f806e0f26ad71269af535cf9c44d38b7 / /
(276.98 KiB / 283.62 KB)
Manual (Japanese)
1 / 2023-07-18 / 9f9221f58a95d9fad1c40bf6fe699315f8f6730f / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 6.0

Compatibility notes

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