aete Editor for ResEdit
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On: 2021-12-04 19:39:09
On: 2023-09-07 09:44:25
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This file «ResEdit aete editor» contains RSSC resources that add an editor for Apple Event Terminologies to ResEdit. Apple Event Terminologies are resources of types 'aete' and since Apple Event User Terminologies have almost the same template structure, I map resources of this type to Apple Event Terminologies. These Apple Event Terminologies are mainly used in AppleScript system to define terminologies of AppleScript language.
The Apple Event Terminology editor has a graphical user interface similar to other ResEdit's editors and Macintosh's applications so that you already know how to use it.
Oda, Hiroshi. (March 1997). About the aete Editor. Electronic Document.
(26.41 KiB / 27.04 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
 10 /  2021-12-04 /  84f40b862c8b128379e2a95464b40a6864d22567 / 
 68K + PPC (FAT)
System Requirements 
From Mac OS 6.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes 
- ResEdit 2.13
- Super ResEdit also works
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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