Another War

Shared by: MR
On: 2015-03-17 12:38:34
Updated by: eep
On: 2024-02-22 17:39:53
Other contributors: that-ben , e-cat68k , ClickSlick , IMIComp
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Another War?

Another War is a role-playing video game set in World War II. The game was released for PC on September 30, 2002 by Czech publisher Cenega. It was later released for Mac on December 31.


Another War follows the story of an adventurer involved in his own private war during World War II in Nazi-occupied Europe.

The plot starts off in a small town in Nazi-occupied France, where a friend of the playable character is captured by Nazis and imprisoned in a castle near the town.

Download Another War for Mac

(640.74 MiB / 671.87 MB)
6d5f8829549699c751d75c6411d479f01622706c / Toast image, compressed w/ Stuffit
119 / 2015-03-17 / 2024-02-22 / f3ec5d6a760f59978b0e6625f0c1a95c56ee710c / /
(646.2 MiB / 677.59 MB)
25e2e450c54e22fe928df944b50288a42156afe5 / Toast image, compressed w/ Stuffit
127 / 2015-03-17 / 2024-02-22 / edd57d36ab309ee022db4148e229a210aa0f7276 / /
(530.82 MiB / 556.61 MB)
6e396f7e3c124ba60c433b5d5fde5ac6fbf3fd56 / Toast image, compressed w/ Stuffit
100 / 2015-03-17 / 2024-02-22 / 1907b6eb6db3a8e28cb595461ce5820144c8a600 / /
(unknown size)
37 / 2015-11-14 / (Unavailable for external downloads) / /
(642.34 MiB / 673.54 MB)
25e2e450c54e22fe928df944b50288a42156afe5 / Toast image, zipped
1 / 2024-02-22 / f2889cf07555bd610a33758781718417ea8ffc15 / /
(635.88 MiB / 666.77 MB)
6d5f8829549699c751d75c6411d479f01622706c / Toast image, zipped
1 / 2024-02-22 / 4ddc35f36bc046ab10fa66e8cb98bfd5410c335a / /
(551.6 MiB / 578.39 MB)
6e396f7e3c124ba60c433b5d5fde5ac6fbf3fd56 / Toast image, zipped
1 / 2024-02-22 / 1f577b69420bddf996c99a678cfdc2c0ea7cf3a2 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 8.6 up to Mac OS 10.5

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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