Firmware Restoration CD 1.7

Author: Apple Inc.
Publisher: Apple Inc.
Type: System
Category: Firmware
Shared by: Martin102
On: 2021-08-23 20:37:52
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Firmware Restoration CD 1.7?

This is a Intel Mac EFI Firmware Restoration CD version 1.7. It works with the following Macs for EFI recovery:

iMac4,1, iMac4,2, iMac5,1, iMac5,2, iMac6,1, MacBook1,1, MacBookPro1,1, MacBookPro1,2, MacBookPro3,1, MacMini1,1 and MacPro1,1.

Please note that all these firmwares are the base version of each device as a safety measure. The firmware images themselves can be analysed using UEFITool or similar.

Download Firmware Restoration CD 1.7 for Mac

(22.51 MiB / 23.6 MB)
/ DMG image
127 / 2021-08-23 / 840755ed7bdda06c07a8dc67e912349e437a9ee2 / /


Intel x86-64

Compatibility notes

This CD image can only be used when a Mac is in EFI Recovery Mode.

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