"MacOS9.exe" or "Mac OS 9 for Windows" (SheepShaver for dummies)

Shared by: that-ben
On: 2021-01-22 17:04:31
Updated by: The-Jurassic-Junkie
On: 2022-12-02 17:56:27
Other contributors: Oldi , iZierG3
Rating: 7.90 Clarus out of 10 (10 votes)
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  • Information 

What is "MacOS9.exe" or "Mac OS 9 for Windows" (SheepShaver for dummies)?

This is a zero configuration SheepShaver 2.5 package for dummies.  All the user has to do is launch the installer and a "MacOS9" icon will appear in their start menu.  There is no ROM to configure and no path to set.  It comes with a 4GB virtual hard drive half full with a ton of software, a virtual PDF printer, a Windows printer port and a script that allows the user to send files back and forth between Windows and Mac OS 9.

All of these features can be done with a vanilla SheepShaver base, but this saves headaches to beginners.

Requires 4.08GB of space to install.

Put together by Ronald P. Regensburg from the E-Maculation forums


Download "MacOS9.exe" or "Mac OS 9 for Windows" (SheepShaver for dummies)

(545.13 MiB / 571.61 MB)
Mac OS 9 for Windows build 2020-12-29 (SheepShaver for dummies) / Zipped
1114 / 2021-01-23 / 2021-01-23 / 323f598b05e3044cedde6b947768cc71491cde91 / /


Intel x86-64

Compatibility notes

For Windows 7 or newer


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