Shared by: MacCrash
On: 2020-12-01 21:09:42
Updated by: MacCrash
On: 2023-03-12 17:51:29
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(There's no video for SFOS yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)


What is SFOS?

What is SFOS (SlapFuck OS) :

SFOS is a Hybrid MacOS Harmony Fork, for 68K computers and extended support for first-generation Power mac computers. The project was first started in 1995 from the Mac system 7 source code and later on added reversed engineered source from BeOS and many other projects. The OS project was killed in 2005 and switched into BKOS until 2019, to where it was split into 2 source forks. The first was Black Knight OS for X86 Systems. The old PPC and 68K Source was given back to the SFOS Project, bringing it back to its roots. Now SFOS is a massive, polished and highly optimized operating system for classic Macintosh computers. The New SFOS is the accumulation of Developments and Changes over 14 years. This new build will not only run your classic mac software, but it supports a variety of software for other platforms. Also, it introduces all kinds of modern features and is designed to be kept up to date. Which I will continue supporting for many years to come! | MacCrash ;) |


  System Requirements

__= Build : SlapFuckOS (A0.6) | Year : (2020) =__
System Type: Universal for all Macs
CPU: Motorola 68030 - 040
Ram: 44 MB, but really 64 MB+ is Optimal
Drive Space: 1.8 GB
Sound: 8 Bit Mono, But 16 Bit Stereo Rec.
Video : 256 Colors+ @ 800X600
Notes: This build was made and used on a mac Quadra 650 & Performa 580 and works fine on other 68k computers.
Mac IIci
Mac IIsi
Mac IIvx
Centris 610
Centris 650
Centris 660AV
LC 475
LC 580
Quadra 605
Quadra 610
Quadra 650
Quadra 660AV
Quadra 700
Quadra 800
Quadra 840AV
Quadra 900
Quadra 950
Performa 475
Performa 580
Performa 600
Performa 640 & 640 Dos compatible
__= Build : SlapFuckOS (A0.6) | Year : (2020) =__
System Type: Universal for all Macs
CPU: Motorola/IBM PPC 601 - 604
Ram: 44 MB, but really 64 MB+ is Optimal
Drive Space: 1.8 GB
Sound:16 Bit Stereo
Video : 256 Colors+ @ 800X600
Notes: This build is for use on a Power Mac 6400/6500, Performa 5260 Series and other later PPC First Generation computers.
Performa 5200
Performa 5300
Performa 5400
PowerPC 6100
PowerPC 6400
PowerPC 6500
PowerPC 7100
PowerPC 7500
PowerPC 7600
PowerPC 8100
PowerPC 8500
PowerPC 9500

   Prompt Builds


- SlapFuck OS 68k Win VM 

OS: Windows XP-10 32Bit

Ram: 1 GB

Video: 1024X768 @ 32 Bit Color

Drive Space:  2 GB

CPU: 1ghz p3 or Higher


- SlapFuck OS PPC Win VM 

OS: Windows XP-10 32Bit

Ram: 2 GB

Video: 1024X768 @ 32 Bit Color

Drive Space:  2 GB

CPU: 1 GHz Core 2 Duo or Higher


- SlapFuck OS 68k Mac OS X VM 

OS: Mac OS 10.4 - 10.6+

Ram: 1 GB

Video: 1024X768 @ 32 Bit Color

Drive Space:  2 GB

CPU: PPC G4 / G5 or Intel Mac


- SlapFuck OS PPC Mac OS X VM

OS: Mac OS 10.4 - 10.6+

Ram: 1 GB

Video: 1024X768 @ 32 Bit Color

Drive Space:  2 GB

CPU: PPC G4 / G5 or Intel Mac


A little Back Story ;)

In 1995, I made a little OS for school and home to act as a portable daily driver. As the years progressed, it morphed into a Security / Hack tool. After that, the little OS was rewritten to be a full alternative to Mac OS on 68K and early PPC Machines. But in 2005 the project was put to sleep and a rewritten OS was built to be more politically correct and business-friendly. During this process, the hack tools and other security testing tools were stripped. This OS would be called the Black Knight Extending the release to all 68040 - PPC G5 Computers. Now in 2020, it's all back and more ;) but without the extended machine support for G3 - G5 computers (Have another project for that), But a very polished version for 68K and PPC Gen 1 Machines ;)


Donate to Help keep the project going :) @ http://jonoswc.eu5.net/donate.html


* Special thanks to Macintosh Repository for hosting this project :) *

Don't forget to donate to macintoshrepository.org ,

to help keep all these projects alive in the future


Download SFOS for Mac

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18 / 2020-12-02 / 785ffeda235d64a5c352afcb39d6bee18850476c / /
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23 / 2020-12-03 / 1261a42f27defdbbe4e376bc0d123ac602e7ab92 / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 8.1

Compatibility notes

This project is designed for real hardware and emulators. It runs on Basilisk with the quadra 650 ROM and on SheepShaver with the Powermac 6400 or 6500 ROMs.

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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