iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update

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On: 2020-11-23 14:06:17
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What is iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update?

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update

The iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update places new firmware on the Apple DVD-ROM drive installed in iMac DV+, iMac DV Special Edition, and Power Mac G4 Cube computers. This update improves the audio extraction performance of your DVD-ROM drive.

Installation Requirements

Installation requires an iMac DV+, iMac DV Special Edition, or Power Mac G4 Cube with internal DVD-ROM drive.

Updating Your DVD-ROM Firmware

To update the firmware on your DVD-ROM drive, follow these steps:

1. Save all open documents and quit all applications.

2. If a disc is in the DVD-ROM drive, eject it by dragging its icon to the Trash.

3. Run the iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update application by double-clicking the icon.

4. In the dialog box, click Continue.

5. Once the firmware is updated, the application quits.  Restart your computer.

If you experience problems with the update, see "Tips and Troubleshooting" later in this document.

WARNING: Do not reset, shut down, or turn off power to your computer while the iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update is in progress.  Doing so may damage your DVD-ROM drive.


Download iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update for Mac

(727.6 KiB / 745.06 KB)
DVD-ROM Firmware 1.0 / compressed w/ Stuffit
9 / 2020-11-23 / 33f5e65244f55eef6723b85d4222406acbd5ba44 / /
(727.38 KiB / 744.84 KB)
DVD-ROM Firmware 1.1 / compressed w/ Stuffit
20 / 2020-11-23 / edaf66074cf2a0566fa9199393fdab5994a30ca4 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 9.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: PPC

Installation requires an iMac DV+, iMac DV Special Edition, or Power Mac G4 Cube with internal DVD-ROM drive.


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