Copland Complete Collection MC 2020 Repack

Shared by: MacCrash
On: 2020-10-29 14:54:19
Updated by: MacCrash
On: 2023-03-12 17:55:11
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Copland Complete Collection MC 2020 Repack?

Mac OS Copland Full project, with a collection of test-builds, Source, DDK, Retail Builds, Information, Development Tools and a custom package with a working Copland Build ;) Enjoy and I hope to see some new apps made with this package, lets keep classic macs alive :)


I may release a polished 25 Avervarsary Edition for 2021.  Not sure though, see how much response this Edition gets :) There is a couple of known bugs and changes I could make. Like a loader for Copland Kernel base functions. Moreless just make an INIT out of ModernOS Loader, to load when Copland specific apps need it. Some minor theme bugs and convert all the resources to MPW Source, as official Copland Source code is scarce at best :)


* Special version of ResEdit Included ;) + Some Serial Tools ;) *




Donate to Help keep the project going :) @


* Special thanks to Macintosh Repository for hosting this project :) *

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Download Copland Complete Collection MC 2020 Repack for Mac

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(1000 MiB / 1048.58 MB)
128 / 2020-10-29 / 5598c9301ca20cf21670c89083577c525cd0e1ec / /
(871.2 MiB / 913.52 MB)
94 / 2020-10-29 / 49cdff3f8cdd55da675b20195c769db259457917 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 8.0 up to Mac OS 8.1

Compatibility notes

Works on Real PPC & G3 Computers or in Sheep Shaver.

* Split with 7Zip in .Zip Format * 

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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