Storybook Weaver
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On: 2015-07-15 22:39:46
On: 2023-12-14 16:25:30
(There's no video for Storybook Weaver yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Storybook Weaver is the first version of an educational game/application by MECC that enables children to write their own fairy-tale stories, which is better known by its later re-edition called Storybook Weaver Deluxe.
The product is dedicated to children of 6 to 12 years of age and allows to create 'books' composed out of pages that can feature both written text and pictures: there are hundreds of ready-to-use objects available, including animals, kids, shelters, different combinations of scenery etc. - as well as a built-in editor to compose own art objects. Then it is possible to change sizes and colors of the objects put on pages, as well as to add some sound effects and music.
- (MobyGames)
See also: Storybook Weaver Deluxe
(2.39 MiB / 2.51 MB)
Version 1.0 / compressed w/ Stuffit
241 / 2015-07-15 / 2023-12-14 / 3eef5413897840904a6d247f7480fa18e7ecf9ac /
Motorola 68K
From Mac OS 6.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
Monochrome or 256 colors
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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