Design Classics - The Apple Macintosh 1996

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On: 2020-09-14 15:05:33
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-07-22 22:54:52
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What is Design Classics - The Apple Macintosh 1996? 1983, a product called Mac XL — or Lisa — appeared on the market. It cost a good $10,000 in the United States and was supposed to ring in a new generation of computers.

However, Lisa was destined to remain the failed predecessor of the Macintosh, and I still remember my first encounter with her in a Frankfurt computer dealer's shop quite well: on a tiny monitor one could observe the cursor movements and many small icons framed the edge of the screen — the number of applications, however, were modest. In this country, one was supposed to shell out DM 21000 for the hardware alone, and then slap another DM 6000 on the table for the operating system and application software — we gladly did without it.

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