Yellow Dog Linux 2.3 (Dayton)

Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-13 18:09:13
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-05-03 13:35:28
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Yellow Dog Linux 2.3 (Dayton)?

Yellow Dog Linux 2.3 now offers the KDE 3 desktop, which incorporates effects like GUI "translucency." It also defaults to the CUPS print system, a Web-based configuration tool that simplifies support for a wide range of printers. YDL 2.3 also includes "apt-get," a replacement for "yup," utilities that help Linux users stay up to date with new product releases. Apt-get incorporates automatic dependency handling to help simplify package management.

Other updates in Yellow Dog Linux 2.3 include kernel 2.4.19, KDE 3.0.1, OpenOffice 1.0, CUPS print system, apt-get for RPM, Mozilla 0.9.9, Galeon 1.2, Evolution 1.0.5, AbiWord 1.0.2, Netatalk and xmms-cdread plugin.

Download Yellow Dog Linux 2.3 (Dayton) for Mac

(646.09 MiB / 677.48 MB)
/ ISO image
56 / 2020-09-13 / 120725924cfe599ff202deff05cfe075c26d5517 / /



Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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