LaserWriter Plus Kit
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On: 2020-09-13 08:47:17
On: 2023-06-03 21:38:44
(There's no video for LaserWriter Plus Kit yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
The LaserWriter Plus Kit is both a software and hardware addition to the basic LaserWriter printer. You can buy the LaserWriter Plus or upgrade your present LaserWriter. Your authorized Apple dealer installs the hardware and you'll use the following disks to install the software:
- the Printer Installation Disk
- the LaserWriter and Laser Writer Plus Fonts Disk
These disks and the manual may be the same as those that came with your LaserWriter. Or your LaserWriter may come with earlier versions of the manual and software. If your LaserWriter comes with a Laser Writer Installation Disk rather than a Printer Installation Disk, you have all earlier versions of the materials. To avoid confusion, discard this older software and manual.
Besides having new fonts, the LaserWriter Plus (and all LaserWriters shipped with the Printer Installation Disk) lets you
- use LaserWriter printer fonts from other manufacturers, particularly Adobe Systems, Inc.
- use a newly designed Printer Installer, called Installer; Printer Chooser, called Chooser; Control Panel; and Key Caps.
Apple Computer, Inc. (1986). LaserWriter and LaserWriter Plus. (pg. 4). Cupertino, CA.
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Motorola 68K
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac
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