RealGirls Strip Poker
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What is RealGirls Strip Poker? RealGirls Strip Poker is a full motion video strip poker game against the computer AI. You can choose 1 or 2 opponents to play against. Each time they go bankrupt, they remove a piece of clothing until they are fully nude in which case, if there's more than 1 opponent, they'll remain sitting in the game room until the end of the game.
Download RealGirls Strip Poker for Mac
(543.49 MiB / 569.89 MB)
RealGirls Opponents Expansion Pack #2 / Zipped
(unknown size)
(4.09 MiB / 4.29 MB)
/ Zipped Architecture
System Requirements From Mac OS 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.2 Architecture: PPC Mac OS 7.5 - Mac OS 9.2.2 Note: Crashes under SheepShaver. Use QEMU with Mac OS 8 or 9.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU |