Plants vs. Zombies (Game of the Year Edition)

Author: PopCap Games
Type: Games
Category: Arcade , Isometric , Strategy
Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-12 14:48:03
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-05-19 19:58:22
Rating: 9.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

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Download Plants vs. Zombies (Game of the Year Edition) for Mac

(488.32 MiB / 512.04 MB)
Version 1.0.3 (German) [Retail disc] / Toast image, zipped
171 / 2020-09-12 / 2023-05-19 / 83695b810c02414b4912277132cc1a08e0320e3c / /
(34.41 MiB / 36.08 MB)
Version 1.0.25 (English) Universal [Retail disc] / DMG image
2204 / 2020-09-12 / 2023-05-19 / 60ece4c806564aa9a70459c7f5ee1379f0f66e24 / /
(33.62 MiB / 35.25 MB)
Version 1.0.40 / DMG image
416 / 2020-09-12 / 2023-05-19 / 9980c6fd6c3ae841db4b1ac442779823190bfc80 / /
(56.89 MiB / 59.66 MB)
Version 1.0.40 / DMG image
856 / 2021-12-14 / 2023-05-19 / a6deb6560ebdc97189b016caa4c91dc061876098 / /
(33.68 MiB / 35.31 MB)
Version 1.0.0 / DMG image
496 / 2020-09-12 / 2023-05-19 / 3d2f845878fe87ae196e75a9e0bc6518f813c814 / /


OSX Universal Binary

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.4 up to Mac OS 10.13

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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