Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking
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On: 2014-04-14 23:19:15
On: 2024-08-05 14:24:50
(There's no video for Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Pippi CD-ROM includes three delightful stories about Pippi Longstocking with colorful animated characters. Each story can be read and is spoken in 12 different languages! Pippi offers ESL students a marvelous opportunity to switch, page by page, between English and another language.
Junior high and high school students will enjoy reading these stories in the foreign languages they are studying.
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(319.22 MiB / 334.72 MB)
1999 release PPC (Hybrid Mac/PC) / CDR image, compressed w/ Stuffit
14 / 2014-04-14 / 2024-08-05 / 5063c4c7fc8442673b6c864d89a824cd32d5218c /
(430.96 MiB / 451.9 MB)
1997 release 68k (Hybrid Mac/PC) / compressed w/ Stuffit
2 / 2023-12-07 / 2024-08-05 / 8e068d22ee95bd0f386f2312e036cfa8ab95ae5d /
(334.39 MiB / 350.63 MB)
1996 release 68k (Hybrid Mac/PC) / compressed w/ Stuffit
1 / 2023-12-07 / 2024-08-05 / 08253c83bc8c71b42757ca3a5c19f39e4abc7ca5 /
68K + PPC (FAT)
From Mac OS 6.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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