iMac Firmware Update 1.2

Author: Apple
Publisher: Apple
Type: System
Category: Firmware , Patch/Update
Shared by: Action-Retro
On: 2020-04-06 09:45:31
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2020-08-30 07:42:50
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
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What is iMac Firmware Update 1.2?

This is for tray-loading iMacs.

The iMac Firmware Update 1.2 should be installed on all iMac computers used in NetBoot client environments. Features delivered with this update include improved support of NetBooting and minor improvements to Open Firmware for connecting to a Mac OS X Server. The update also corrects a rare condition wherein SGRAM amounts over 2MB may not be properly identified at startup. This update incorporates the iMac Firmware Update 1.1 that was included with the Mac OS X Server software.

To upgrade your iMac's firmware, read through the instructions below. (You may want to print them.)

Note: After you upgrade the firmware, the PRAM is reset and you may need to reset some of your iMac preferences. For example, you may need to reselect your startup disk from the Startup Disk Control Panel. For more information, see Mac OS Help.

  1. Double-click the iMac Firmware Updater icon to start the update.
  2. Read the onscreen instructions and follow them carefully.
  3. If a message appears saying you need to shut down your computer and insert the end of a straightened paper clip into the Programmer's button hole, follow steps 4-8 to complete the update process.
  4. Click Shut Down in the dialog box to shut down your computer.
  5. Open the port cover door on the right side of your iMac and insert the end of a straightened paper clip into the Programmer's button hole, the lower of the two button holes.
  6. Continue to hold the paper clip in the hole and press the Power button on your iMac or on the Apple USB keyboard to start up your iMac.
  7. When you hear a long tone, remove the paper clip. A progress bar will appear at the bottom of the screen as the update takes place.
  8. After your iMac starts up, if the update process was successful, a message appears saying the firmware is up-to-date. Click OK. If a message appears saying the update was not completed successfully, go back to step 1 and begin the update process again.

Download iMac Firmware Update 1.2 for Mac

(1.04 MiB / 1.09 MB)
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364 / 2020-04-06 / 960be053f3721343667b0159f111b831f8a78164 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 8.1 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

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