Age of Mythology

Publisher: MacSoft
Type: Games
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-09-08 18:28:56
Updated by: gadshooks
On: 2024-01-27 09:30:23
Other contributors: Amid , The_red_spirit , that-ben , e-cat68k , ClickSlick
Rating: 8.57 Clarus out of 10 (7 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Screenshot 
  • German version of CD installer 

What is Age of Mythology?

A classical real time strategy game, where you can be in control of old civilization and its gods. The goal is to grow a strong civilization and defeat opponents.

Download Age of Mythology for Mac

(4.41 MiB / 4.63 MB)
Mac OS X / Zipped
3188 / 2014-09-08 / 646bce946ab420904e36cbd6b08921624c0fad55 / /
(663.82 MiB / 696.06 MB)
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895 / 2015-08-09 / 1212c08d7e26e348950e55a18a2054cf5e0d94a8 / /
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Mac OS X / Zipped
309 / 2014-09-08 / a78522472fc7198a1cac4c48a2af7c31c149c5d4 / /
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Mac OS X / Zipped
285 / 2014-09-09 / faa59138ef98b2eed6b1976769e27af6e5c4ac2d / /
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Mac OS X / Zipped
455 / 2014-09-09 / c60b889632fbbb1be3c6b9faeb5f2e09b441e311 / /
(644.19 MiB / 675.48 MB)
German version of CD installer / Zipped
20 / 2024-01-27 / 6f79248f97af51fa1b90ee5dbc454f003f4c5c3c / md5 of image is f8287dc5fdcdb00561a1cc53d2c30b65 / /
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/ Zipped
510 / 2021-12-15 / ce97d4de7924653a38e9367d1f2078cec847781d / /


OSX Universal Binary

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.2 up to Mac OS 10.10

Compatibility notes

Version 1.x requires a PPC only (G4 or G5, 450mhz or faster)

Version 2.x can be run on both PPC or Intel (Universal Binary, 500mhz or faster)

At least 256MB of RAM

Mac OS X 10.2.6 - Mac OS X 10.10.x

A 3D graphics card with at least 32MB of VRAM


Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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