
Type: System
Category: Utilities
Shared by: Fraskic
On: 2020-03-11 06:26:03
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is iType?

"Installing iType
If this is the first time you are installing iType then first drop the extension onto the System Folder.
Once it is dropped on the System Folder a dialog will appear asking if you want to install it in the Extension Folder, say 'OK', then restart your Mac.
The new floating palette will appear. You can click and drag it out of the way. Next find the newly created folder ‘iType folder’ on your desktop. Inside of this folder are the folders 'Typing Saver', ‘Auto Corrector’,’User Database’ and ‘Spell Checker’."

Download iType for Mac

(764.05 KiB / 782.39 KB)
Version 2.0 / compressed w/ Stuffit
3 / 2020-03-11 / d2c2043e5109d9689161819d9a1accb29c857fc2 / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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