URL Access 2.3
On: 2020-02-28 10:10:08
On: 2020-03-15 06:11:03
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From MacWorld on February 12, 2001:
URL Access is a system software library that is provided for other software to use when performing Internet related tasks. It is required by Mac OS 9's built in "Sherlock" search engine when used for Internet searches, according to Apple's documentation.
The new version, 2.3, "provides improved access to secure sites that are either new or current sites using new certificates," according to the online documentation available through Software Update. "It also removes the issue associated with downloading or pushing files greater than 360K."
(522.11 KiB / 534.64 KB)
URL Access v2.3 installer (2001) / compressed w/ Stuffit
12 / 2020-02-28 / 0cbd4c686f76f530eb784ff2dbfac499ebdcaa8d /
From Mac OS 9.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
Architecture: PPC
Mac OS 9.0.4 - Mac OS 9.2.2
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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