Make 'Em Talk
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What is Make 'Em Talk? USING THE COMPUTER'S VOICE: You must have Apple's Speech Manager (along with a few "voices") inside the Extensions folder and turned on. To learn more about the Speech Manager, visit Apples web site, or do a web search for "Speech Manager". ALL recent versions of the MacOS should come equipped with the Speech Manager. To make the character speak, simply type in a sentence and hit the button "Push to make him speak." Holding down the OPTION key while pushing this button will make the control panel disappear. Only the character will be visible. This is good if you're going to be taping or making some kind of computer video. While everything is hidden, you can push the CONTROL key to make him speak again. Pushing the COMMAND key brings everything back. Download Make 'Em Talk for Mac Architecture
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |