BBN Butterfly Gateway

Shared by: ptthree
On: 2020-01-13 09:12:15
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-09-22 16:33:50
Other contributors: badacktor , that-ben
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What is BBN Butterfly Gateway?

Not much information to be found on it, but it seems to be related to a supercomputer called "BBN Butterfly".  More info about the BBN Butterfly supercomputer.

This is a boot disk that was in a Macintosh Plus, comes with System 3.2 from 1986 and automatically launches and locks you in Larva 2.0 (displayed as version 5.02A) also from 1986 upon boot.

The BBN Butterfly that this was tied to seems to have been used as an Internet Gateway in the very early 1990's, before the first web browser even was invented.  This software seems to have been patched several times from 1990 up until 1992.


Download BBN Butterfly Gateway for Mac

(800 KiB / 819.2 KB)
Chrysalis gateway terminal boot disk (1992) / DSK image
27 / 2020-01-13 / 2020-01-13 / cc61e1e9dc77076277108214b73febe7e0b8a733 / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K

Seems to crash on anything later than a Macintosh Plus

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac

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