Open Fire
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On: 2020-09-12 10:03:05
On: 2024-03-11 21:25:22
(There's no video for Open Fire yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Load your weapons and Open Fire! From BlueTorch Studios and BlueGill Flame Game Studios comes an exciting top-down military shoot-'em-up that will have you uncontrollably wasting hours of precious time.
Featuring seamless, integrated real-time global online scoring, a holy-crap-that-was-a-big-explosion-o-meter, and awesome arcade gameplay backed by the incredibly realistic Ageia physics engine, Open Fire shoves you in the shoes of a lone operative armed to the teeth with explosive rocket rounds.
Get ready to unload your weapon and riddle your screen with pockmarked scars of battle, because it's time to Open Fire!
Available now for Mac OS X, Windows, a Mac OS X Dashboard Widget and a cross platform Web Player.
- Amazing 3D graphics.
- Real-time physics engine powered by Ageia.
- Brilliant particle effects.
- CD-quality soundtrack.
- Combo meter to rack up your high scores.
- Up-to-date online high scores (not available in the Web Player or Widget versions).
- Mac OS X Universal Binary, offering complete support for both PowerPC and Intel Mac hardware.
- (
(17.24 MiB / 18.08 MB)
Version 1.0.3 / DMG image
26 / 2020-09-12 / 2024-03-11 / 827d1b932672b70c331bc4009b1593ee8d59e18c /
(8.79 MiB / 9.21 MB)
Version 1.0.3 (Widget) / Zipped
0 / 2024-03-11 / 3de6d8c2c28629b84507f4f5d2b2317c74220f69 /
OSX Universal Binary
System Requirements
From Mac OS 10.3
Compatibility notes
- Processor: 533 MHz or better
- Graphics: Radeon 7500/GeForce 2MX w/ 32MB of VRAM
- Memory: 256 MB or higher
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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