Shaun White Snowboarding

Publisher: UbiSoft
Type: Games
Category: 3rd Person , Sports
Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-11 09:51:07
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-12-22 11:33:43
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Front Cover 
  • Back Cover 

What is Shaun White Snowboarding?

Shaun White Snowboarding gives the player, as the title suggests, a snowboard and sends him off to four ski run locations around the world (Europe, Alaska, Japan and a fictitious location called Park City) under the watchful eye of professional snowboarder Shaun White himself as well as other professionals, moderators, pilots and such. But before the player can go on the slope, he has to create his character by choosing not only from different body looks but also from different clothes and snowboards.

During the course of the game the player earns money by completing the challenges which can in return be invested in more stylized clothes and additional types of snowboards. Each of the boards has six stats like balance or speed and not all of them are the best possible option for every given situation. While in a race speed is an important factor, a board with a higher rating in rotation allows for better stunts.

The game puts the player in an open world with him free to roam around the slope as he pleases. Several lifts and even a helicopter bring him to different starting locations but if he wants, he can also walk and discover hidden areas by doing so.

 - (MobyGames)

Languages: English, French (CA), French (FR), German, Italian, Spanish.

Download Shaun White Snowboarding for Mac

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(1029.97 MiB / 1080 MB)
2 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-22 / caaffe511ea29beb0b5cc13ecf650d4bdc7ece33 / /
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(1029.97 MiB / 1080 MB)
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4 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-22 / fae777427af7fb10ca96f12527e297a3d232d4d1 / /
(1029.97 MiB / 1080 MB)
3 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-22 / 7279d852e9eb0ae505f82909f4f7dfdc23dca58e / /
(915.12 MiB / 959.57 MB)
7 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-22 / 62c5486d97abbe6103856b7a4b5fbe1a8329c049 / /
(322.05 MiB / 337.7 MB)
Updater that fixes Intro movies for Spanish, Italian, and German language modes and resolves some compatibility issues.
1 / 2020-09-11 / 2023-12-22 / cbb26197553351eee6ea479487794d5b2e814a5d / /


Intel x86-64

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.5 up to Mac OS 10.14

Compatibility notes

  • Intel Core Duo
  • Mac OS X 10.5.6
  • 1024 MB RAM
  • 7.24 hard drive space
  • ATI X1600 or Nvidia 7300GT or better 3D graphics

Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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