ATI OpenGL Demos for Mac OS X

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Category: Demoscene
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On: 2020-09-13 09:41:58
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-12-24 07:29:57
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What is ATI OpenGL Demos for Mac OS X?

The ATIOpenGLDemos.pbproj Project Builder project includes a set of ATI SDK demos ported from the Rage 128, Radeon, and Radeon 8500 PC OpenGL demo suites.

Apple’s Project Builder developmentenvironment is required to build these demos.It is installed as part of Apple’s Developer CD Package, which can be obtained through Apple at These demos will only run on Mac OS X as many of them expose functionality that is only available on Mac OS X. Mac OS X 10.1.x and later is required for many of these demos, but of course the latest publicly available versions of OSX and ATI drivers are strongly recommended.

Included Demos

Alpha Test
Required GL Extensions:None Supported ASICs: Rage 128, Radeon, Radeon 8500The Alpha Test sample program shows how an alpha blended primitive can cause unwanted Z-buffer writes without alpha test rejection.

Required GL Extensions: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic Supported ASICs: Radeon, Radeon 8500The Anisotropic Demo uses EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension to use anisotropic texture filtering, which dramatically improves visual quality where texture minification in the s and t directions is radically different. This is very common on polygons which are oblique to the viewer. More traditional forms of filtering favor over-blurring the texture over aliasing artifacts.

Bump Map
Required GL Extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture & GL_ARB_texture_env_combine Supported ASICs: Rage 128, Radeon, Radeon 8500The Bump sample program uses multitexturing via ARB_multitexture and ARB_texture_env_combine to perform the popular emboss style of bump mapping. This example program uses a bump mapped sphere from Blinn’s original paper on bump mapping.

Required GL Extensions: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map Supported ASICs: Rage 128 [sphere mapping only], Radeon, Radeon 8500The Cartoon sample program demonstrates two different techniques for rendering cartoon like objects from 3D models. The first technique uses a spheremap.Areas with sharp curvature are colored using the edges of the sphere map giving a black line in those areas.The second technique uses ARB_texture_cube_map to give a more brushed looking effect.

Edge Clamp
Required GL Extensions: GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp Supported ASICs: Radeon, Radeon 8500The ATI EdgeClamp sample program uses the EXT_texture_edge_clamp extension to illustrate proper use of border colors in OpenGL. If the extension is supported by the driver, the application will show a green quad with borders. If the extension is not supported, a red quad will be displayed to illustrate how the borders should appear.

Light Map
Required GL Extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture Supported ASICs: Rage 128, Radeon, Radeon 8500The Rage128LightMap sample program uses single-pass multitexturing to implement a light map effect on a simple quad. The ARB_multitexture extension is used in this sample.

Required GL Extensions: None Supported ASICs: Rage 128, Radeon, Radeon 8500The Pear Demo demonstrates a variety of visual effects including gloss mapping, specular mapping, and mirror reflections.

PN Triangles
Required GL Extensions: GL_ATIX_pn_triangles Supported ASICs: Radeon 8500The PN Triangles Demo demonstrates how to use the GL_ATIX_pn_triangles extension to have rough objects with few vertices tesselated by the graphics processor into complex objects that have a higher number of vertices. The new vertices are computed by interpolating input vertex coordinates and corresponding normals. The result is more realistic looking objects due to smoother curves and better lighting characteristics.

Simple DOT 3 BumpMap
Required GL Extensions: GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 Supported ASICs: Radeon, Radeon 8500The SimpleDOT3 sample uses ARB_texture_env_combine and ARB_texture_env_dot3 to demonstrate per-pixel lighting effects possible in OpenGL. It demonstrates per pixel diffuse lighting with DOT3 Bumpmapping.Our lighting model in this demo: (N.L)*BASE.

Required GL Extensions: GL_ARB_multitexture & GL_ARB_texture_env_add Supported ASICs: Rage 128, Radeon, Radeon 8500The Specular sample program uses single-pass multitexturing (ARB_multitexture ARB_texture_env_add) and multipass rendering to implement the following effects on a simple object: – Single-pass specular mapping using multitexturing – Multi-pass specular mapping with ONE:ONE blending – Multi-pass gloss mapping with ONE:SRC_ALPHA blending (shown below) – Diffuse (vertex) lighting only

Volume Texture
Required GL Extensions: GL_EXT_texture3D Supported ASICs: Radeon, Radeon 8500The VolumeTexture sample program uses EXT_texture3D to demonstrate volume texturing in OpenGL. This sample shows a set of objects drawn with a procedurally generated texture. It uses both a marble texture and a color cube texture. Additionally, the app uses the stencil buffer and a single user clip plane to perform a simple CSG operation. The notable benefit of using 3D textures in this app is that the objects always have a consistent mapping even though they are being sliced. This sort of technique can easily be used for the texturing to arbitrary procedural geometry.

Volume Visualization
Required GL Extensions: GL_EXT_texture3D Supported ASICs: Radeon, Radeon 8500The VolVis sample program uses ARB_texture3D to demonstrate volume visualization in OpenGL.This sample shows a volume being drawn as textured shells. It displays with both a monochrome and a pseudo-color version of the volume. Additionally, the user has control over a clip plane to interactively slice the volume.

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Download ATI OpenGL Demos for Mac OS X

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System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.1 up to Mac OS 10.5

Compatibility notes

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