Digital Performer 5

Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-13 10:29:19
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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Download Digital Performer 5 for Mac

(363.66 MiB / 381.32 MB)
/ DMG image, zipped
118 / 2020-09-13 / 8af08c7a51be60708692d68b1100f9cef71ea8fd / /
(51.85 MiB / 54.37 MB)
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45 / 2020-09-13 / 19080cdbfcc99d85cb4f3f9f99753fe14b07a7b8 / /
(148.35 MiB / 155.55 MB)
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32 / 2020-09-13 / 0e8350f442b0c6713aa89525075ad2fc3710e9ea / /
(114.08 MiB / 119.62 MB)
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32 / 2020-09-13 / 3427963a77e85d45248dcc54538097d264a147db / /
(65.61 MiB / 68.8 MB)
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51 / 2020-09-13 / 0dc8701c4ccb15964038a7a1627196f888d0053a / /
(13.24 KiB / 13.56 KB)
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48 / 2020-09-13 / f584cf2874795d46123a0567a4cc5bd3f5d07b9b / /

Compatibility notes

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