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What is FindCursor? The FindCursor INIT is a system extension which enables PowerBook users (and any other users who experience the problem) to quickly locate the current cursor position visually. To use it, you simply hold down the control (ctrl) key and press the mouse button. As long as the mouse button is down, the cursor will change to a thick-border square.
Download FindCursor for Mac Architecture
System Requirements From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2 Architecture: 68K Mac OS 7.0 - Mac OS 9.2.2 (altough it works, it's quite useless under Mac OS 8 and 9!) As with any other extension, simply drag it to a closed System folder, or drag it directly into the Extensions folder. The FindCursor INIT will not display any ICON at system start-up time, it'll just do its thing when called upon.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II |