On: 2019-04-27 14:54:10
Updated by:
On: 2023-12-23 17:36:47
(There's no video for MacTerminal yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
The latest version of MacTerminal that uses the Communication Toolbox.
A program used for asynchro- nous communications that emulates the VT-100 and VT-52. By emulating the VT-100, the Macintosh can receive commands from timesharing services to position the cursor, display information, and skip a designated number of characters or lines.
MacTerminal sends and receives files at speeds of up to 19,200 bps. Users can store data and scroll back through the data. Text can be cut and pasted to the terminal from other applications, and vice versa. Dialog boxes and forms simplify the steps in configuring the program to communicate with other terminals. These configurations can be saved in a file for future reference.
McCandless, Janet (Ed.). (April 1984). Macware News. Macworld. (pg. 89).
(264.69 KiB / 271.04 KB)
Version 3.0 (1990) Program disk / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
259 / 2019-04-27 / 2020-04-13 / 4940cd58eb43fa9ef0a364af0053537a2643b221 /
(698.13 KiB / 714.89 KB)
Communication Toolbox Installer / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
119 / 2019-04-27 / 9a9f9a67b91caae71264e0bebd4c7c4b179ea6b9 /
(444.79 KiB / 455.46 KB)
Communication Toolbox Installer / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
95 / 2019-04-27 / 647bf480bf0a75108ff7f9d2e4fb18d5cb68da62 /
(86.12 KiB / 88.19 KB)
/ BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
26 / 2021-12-06 / 2023-06-09 / a99ccff08ba788135e3bb6763e1a967877bba752 /
(55.35 KiB / 56.68 KB)
Version 2.2 (1987) / compressed w/ Stuffit
102 / 2020-04-08 / 2023-06-09 / 20dc7fa136f430361d6e39838d27565c4c601100 /
(33.16 KiB / 33.96 KB)
Version 1.5 (1984) / compressed w/ Stuffit
17 / 2023-01-07 / 2023-06-09 / 2eb8a8da0267acfb94bdaea3ca2253fb4f54ec23 /
(48.42 KiB / 49.58 KB)
Version 1.0 (1984) / compressed w/ Stuffit
33 / 2023-01-07 / 2023-06-09 / 11aa7c6cbb193c381d3766e78943c8bdfe4d10e3 /
(13 MiB / 13.63 MB)
40 / 2023-06-09 / 1c8c37a5c0bfa8ad6f923fce4b0000f64608b9fe /
Motorola 68K
From Mac OS 2.0
up to Mac OS 8.1
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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