
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2019-03-20 15:43:48
Updated by: MR
On: 2023-01-07 11:18:00
Other contributors: EkriirkE
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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  • Main interface 
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  • About window 

What is CursorAnimator?

Welcome to the world of animated cursors! Since the first time Apple introduced the rotating watch in the Finder and the rotating beachball in MPW, a lot of programs have duplicated this feature. Whether it is done to entertain you while you have to wait for a lengthy operation to complete, or whether it is just to indicate that your Mac has not crashed so far - animated cursors are today part of every major application.

But all you ever get is an animated "wait" cursor of some sort. Wouldn't it be nice if you could also have an animated arrow? In fact, wouldn't it be nice if you could simply substitute this tiresome arrow with something more appealing?

Well, now you can - with CursorAnimator 2.0.1! CursorAnimator lets you substitute all of the five system cursors (arrow, watch, text, cross-hair, and plus) by a static or animated cursor of your choice. If your Macintosh supports color, you can even get color cursors!


Download CursorAnimator for Mac

(139.87 KiB / 143.23 KB)
CursorAnimator v2.0.1 (1991) / compressed w/ Stuffit
78 / 2019-03-20 / 2020-04-05 / 4bb86759a4dadf7d31782e8e385a3502a1d3a701 / /
(50.85 KiB / 52.07 KB)
CursorAnimator v1.0 (1990) / compressed w/ Stuffit
5 / 2020-04-05 / c9b33e013063f1008f55e52ff5b98a83e3a75b60 / /
(67.34 KiB / 68.96 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
5 / 2023-01-07 / 315fb33c303c99e9b58becbd814599c311db7772 / /
(91.55 KiB / 93.75 KB)
/ DiskCopy image, compressed w/ Stuffit
8 / 2023-01-07 / 7d8f26a1643ab35e5197b96b2e96668a50ba166a / /


Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 6.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K

Mac OS 6.x - Mac OS 9.2.2


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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