LisaWrite 3.0

Shared by: LisaGuide
On: 2019-02-18 17:47:55
Updated by: LisaGuide
On: 2020-06-02 00:21:54
Other contributors: that-ben
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is LisaWrite 3.0?

1st Download: DC42 Format
2nd Download: DC42 Format
3rd Download: DC42 Format

4th Download: DART Format

From the VintageMicros Collection

Download LisaWrite 3.0

(302.21 KiB / 309.46 KB)
/ Zipped
122 / 2019-02-18 / 9d865efa0f61c14d21e1878e6ef9413333528c96 / /
(152.6 KiB / 156.26 KB)
/ Zipped
82 / 2019-02-18 / 7e29a4b4a4f7185ecebb61943e4c48afca27e8a8 / /
(132.9 KiB / 136.09 KB)
/ Zipped
32 / 2019-02-18 / b623dc205eec1d1b51f044fce171c21b81c3b22e / /
(484.69 KiB / 496.32 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
32 / 2019-02-18 / 2327c84254c6fc60b730ffebad99b66198e97def / /
(98.32 KiB / 100.68 KB)
/ Zipped
18 / 2019-02-18 / 7153be6608549bead202eb444e69c14fe98d6488 / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: LisaEm

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