LisaDraw 1.0
On: 2019-04-02 20:07:54
On: 2023-01-31 21:38:47
(There's no video for LisaDraw 1.0 yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
LisaDraw is a unique graphics presentation tool that makes it easy to create flow charts, technical diagrams, maps, pictures, and symbols for reports and presentations. Creating lines, boxes, circles, and other geometrical shapes is as easy as moving the mouse along a tabletop. Combining these shapes lets you be as creative as you like. And adding text is elementary.
With LisaDraw you can save any creation for repeated use in other LisaDraw documents. Moreover, you can easily move LisaProject schedules and LisaGraph charts and graphs into LisaDraw for customization.
Apple Computer, Inc. (1983). LisaDraw. Brochure. Cupurtino, CA.
(157.92 KiB / 161.71 KB)
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57 / 2019-04-02 / b33659854ba6888a5b1379204cef6c61275af747 /
Motorola 68K
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: LisaEm
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